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Student Leadership

Did you know OISS offers funding for student organizations, scholarships for global leaders, and an opportunity to be part of student advisory boards? Learn how to get involved as a campus leader and how to represent the voice of international students.

ISA 2017 Leaders small.jpgInternational Student Organizations

Are you interested in knowing more about different countries and cultures around the world? Are you an internationals student or scholar who wants to connect with your national peers? Does your international student organization want to know how to plan an event and apply for funding from OISS? This is the page for you!

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OISS encourages international student organizations to share their culture as a way to contribute to the internationalization of MSU and the community of Greater Lansing. To support international student programming on campus, international student groups can apply for funding to support culture sharing events.

Aiden at podium from his FB page.jpgMSU Student Leadership Opportunities

There are many ways to get involved as a student leader. Explore your purpose and discover your passions.  Here are just a few of the student leadership opportunities available at MSU.